Status Acronym ISRCTN EudraCT NCT ( DRKS
Planned (Transit Ethics), pub. EFC16844 2020-001162-12 NCT04327388

An adaptive phase 2/3, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled study assessing efficacy and safety of sarilumab for hospitalized patients with COVID19

Purpose / Objectives

Primary Outcome

Phase 2

  • To evaluate the clinical efficacy of sarilumab relative to the control arm in adult patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19


Phase 3

  • To evaluate the clinical efficacy of sarilumab relative to the control arm in adult patients hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19


Secondary Outcomes

Phase 2 and Phase 3

  •  Evaluate the clinical efficacy of sarilumab compared to the control arm by clinical severity
  •  Evaluate changes in the National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2)
  •  Evaluate the duration of predefined symptoms and signs (if applicable)
  •  Evaluate the duration of supplemental oxygen dependency (if applicable)
  •  Evaluate the incidence of new mechanical ventilation use during the study
  •  Evaluate the duration of new mechanical ventilation use during the Study
  •  Evaluate need for admission into intensive care unit (ICU)
  •  Evaluate duration of hospitalization (days)
  •  Evaluate the 28-day mortality rate
  • […]


  • COVID-19 infection

Severe or critical COVID-19infection

Target population



Inclusion criteria

 Hospitalized (or documentation of a plan to admit to the hospital if the patient is in an emergency department) with illness of any duration with evidence of pneumonia by chest radiograph, chest computed tomography or chest auscultation (rales, crackles) and Fever (defined as >36.6°C [axilla], or >37.2 °C [oral], or >37.8°C [rectal or tympanic]) documented in the medical record and meets at least one of the following at baseline (patients meeting more than one criterion will be categorized in the most severely affected category). Participants who are:

Severe disease:

  • Requires supplemental oxygen administration by nasal cannula, simple face     mask, or other similar oxygen delivery device (ie, above pre-COVID baseline requirement, if any, by the patient).

 Critical disease (applicable to phase 3 only):

  • Requires supplemental oxygen delivered by non-rebreather mask or high-flow nasal cannula


- Use of invasive or non-invasive ventilation


  • Requiring treatment in an intensive care unit.

Multi-system organ dysfunction (applicable to phase 3 only):

  • Use of vasopressors, extracorporeal life support, or renal replacement therapy


Exclusion criteria

  • In the opinion of the investigator, unlikely to survive for >48 hours from screening.
  •  Presence of any of the following abnormal laboratory values at screening: absolute neutrophil count (ANC) less than 2000/mm3, AST or ALT greater than 5 x ULN, platelets <50,000 per mm3
  • E 03. Any prior (within the defined periods below) or concurrent use of immunosuppressive therapies including but not limited to the following:
    • Anti-IL-6, anti-IL-6R antagonists or with Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKi) in the past 30 days or plans to receive during the study period (other than interventional drug).
    • Cell-depletion agents (eg, anti CD20) without evidence of recovery of B cells to baseline level.
    • Anakinra within 1 week of baseline.
    • Abatacept within 8 weeks of baseline.


Study design

  • Phase II
  • Phase III
  • Multicenter
  • Prospective
  • Three-arm
  • Double-blind
  • Placebo-controlled


Sarilumab 200 mg i.v.

Sarilumab 400 mg i.v


Documents (password protected)

Responsibilities in overall study



  • Tel. 0033 160497777
  • Fax 033 160497515