Status Acronym ISRCTN EudraCT NCT ( DRKS
Active MAK-5-50+

Assessment of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Adults ≥50 Years of Age by a Multipathogen Antigen-Based Rapid Test-Kit (MAK-5-50+)

Purpose / Objectives

Primary Outcome

To determine RSV prevalence and infection rates in volunteers ≥50 years in Germany

Secondary Outcomes

- To assess the clinical and economic impact of RSV-related ARI infections in volunteers ≥50 years in Germany

- To determine ADV, influenza A and B virus, RSV and SARS-CoV-2 prevalence and

infection rates in volunteers ≥50 years in Germany

- To assess the clinical and economic impact of ADV, influenza A and B virus and SARSCoV-2 related ARI infections in volunteers ≥50 years in Germany

- To describe factors impacting morbidity and mortality within the cohort such as age,

sex, underlying diseases and vaccination status


  • acute respiratory viral infection (ARI)

Target population



Inclusion criteria

- Registered VACCELERATE Volunteer

- Residence in Germany

- ≥50 years

- Computer, smartphone or tablet access

- Electronic informed consent

Exclusion criteria

- Limited capacity to give consent

- Unable to understand the significance and implications of own actions

- Restricted capacity to use MAK-5 test kit

Study design

  • Single center
  • Prospective


no intervention

Documents (password protected)

Responsibilities in overall study

(National) Coordinating Investigator

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Oliver A. Cornely